Bridges, Jerry. The Gospel for Real Life: Return to the Liberating Power of the Cross. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2002.
Chandler, Matt and Jared Wilson. The Explicit Gospel. Wheaton: Crossway, 2012.
Chase, Mitchell. The Gospel is for Christians. Brenham: Lucid Books, 2010.
Dever, Mark and Michael Lawrence. It is Well: Expositions on Substitutionary Atonement. Wheaton: Crossway, 2010.
Ferguson, Sinclair. In Christ Alone. Lake Mary: Reformation Trust, 2007.
Gilbert, Greg. What is the Gospel?. Wheaton: Crossway, 2010.
Greear, J.D. Gospel: Recovering the Power that Made Christianity Revolutionary. Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2011.
Mahaney, C.J. Living the Cross Centered Life. Colorado Springs: Multnomah, 2009.
Spurgeon, Charles. Christ’s Glorious Achievements. Fearn: Christian Focus, 1969.
Stott, John. The Cross of Christ. Downer’s Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2012.